Woman's eye peeking through lush foliage in Guatemala

. Reawaken .


A CURATED Earth Connection & SELF AdventurE EXPERIENCE

HELD IN Antigua & Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

November 19-26, 2024

Reconnect with the power of nature
Rejuvenate your feminine soul
Reclaim your inner spark

vibrantly colored feathers evoking the experience of Guatemala
Woman dancing in water during sunset evoking spirit of a women's retreat




Join Lily & Victoria for a FREE Virtual Workshop


September 14th


September 23rd

Learn how YOU can reconnect with your Wild Essence—the untamed, radiant core of who you truly are + receive an exclusive discount to the Wild Soul Awakening Retreat just for joining!

Life is full of twists and turns, but those twists and turns CAN lead us away from ourselves.

Years of relentless daily responsibilities, career challenges, immersion in the role of motherhood, and simply the “rules” of adulthood can make you feel numb to the magic of life that's all around you.

Daily practices like yoga and meditation can lighten the heavy energy of everyday life, but it isn't always enough. The pace and demands of modern life can leave you feeling disconnected from yourself, from others, and from nature. 

Even if you’re on a spiritual path, that path can be lonely and filled with self-doubt. It’s easy to feel that what once made you a vibrant, passionate, fully-alive woman has been lost.

Let’s find HER again.

Awaken your soul, uncover your inner wild essence, and step into your power as a confident and powerful feminine being.

Light coming through jungle foliage evoking spirit of a retreat in Guatemala

Rooted in sisterhood and grounded in the natural world, Wild Soul Awakening is a spiritual yet rooted healing retreat set amongst the splendor of Antigua and the majestic holding of Lake Atitlan in colorful Guatemala. You’ll discover a fuller range of exactly who you are meant to be through powerful, soul-enriching experiences so you can authentically express yourself within that new, wider range of being.

You will be invited to play with authentic movement, cultivate embodied expression, and experience the power of plant medicines. You will get to land more deeply within yourself, your body, your breath, and your being. With plenty of laughter and tears along the way, you will create the foundation for a lasting and profound inner and outer transformation that enables you to reclaim the direction, experience, and power of your own life.


Reconnect with the wild SPARK of
your soul

over 8 days & 7 nights . . .
enter into the magic of vibrant Antigua and Lake Atitlan.

Get Ready to experience:

A liberation of the wild ESSENCE within. You will learn how to tune into your inner truth that whispers what you really want… so you can start getting more of what you truly desire from life.

  • You’ll be surrounded by an abundance of physical and emotional nourishment with the opportunity to fully rejuvenate. Lush plant life, gorgeous clean waters, bird songs, and delicious healthy food will fill you up and leave you feeling energized and soulfully satisfied.

  • ...so you can learn how to act in sync with your emotions instead of reacting the way you think you're supposed to.

Woman overlooking Lake Atitlan and Volcano in distance

An unshakable knowing that you fully belong, not only within the safe retreat space that's been created by Lily and Victoria, but also within yourself.

  • ...by exploring more of yourself, taking up space, and letting all the tears, laughter, grief, and gratitude come forward as it guides you back to your unique inner power.

  • ...by women and by nature, by the land and the indigenous wisdom that’s present here. Experience the sensation of embodied trust in a space that enables you to expand your authentic expression among others on a similar journey—a group of women supporting women who look out for your well-being and want to see you THRIVE.

  • ...in a spiritually significant setting that allows you to rest, reflect, and reawaken your inner light without the pressures and distractions of everyday life.

A woman walking on a wooden path into a jungle forest in Guatemala

Together we will NOURISH OUR

Hands holding cacao beans_Womens Guatemala Retreat

experience GENTLE YET POWERFUL TRANSFORMATION through the INTENTIONAL use of plant medicines.

  • ...With holding from experienced facilitators, expand your mind + heart through cacao and mushroom ceremonies, as well as herbal infusions & tinctures from an AMAZING local woman-run apothecary.

  • ...with healthy and delicious plant-based meals with the option to order sustainably raised animal-based protein. Meals are prepared by a private chef using ingredients from organic farms and conscious local suppliers here in Guatemala.

Vibrantly colored papaya_nourishing foods at the Women's Guatemala Retreat

LEAVE FEELING revived and fully alive.

  • The burden of whatever was weighing you down will feel lighter as you cultivate a more open-hearted, freer way of relating to your life. You will leave having clear next steps to integrate aliveness into your everyday.

  • Difficulties will seem less burdensome and you will be able to overcome any challenges that come your way because you have a new-found confidence in who you are at your core. Simple and true… there’s so much less tension when you are deeply connected to you.

Join Us for This Exquisite Experience


Facilitated and lovingly held by…

Lily Love & Victoria Novello

After meeting at a retreat right here on Lake Atitlan, Lily and Victoria connected over their passion and mission of bringing women together and curating deep soul-nourishing experiences. As wild women at heart who understand the value of soul-discovery, play, authentic expression, nourishing experience, and full-embodied living, they have come together to create a truly unforgettable women's wellness retreat experience.

In Guatemala, you will discover a space where you can feel free to be you. Where you can take up space as your true and authentic self. You will be welcomed with open arms by two empathic spiritual guides who have created a grounding, accepting, and supportive atmosphere of sisterhood where you can fall back in love with yourself and the life around you.

Retreat Leader Victoria Shumulinsky-Novello in Guatemala on retreat

Meet Victoria Novello
Intuitive Guide & Energy Healer

Victoria combines intuitive guidance and energy healing to help clients uncover their authentic truth and come into realignment with their soul through practical techniques and strategies that are designed for empowerment. After learning how to step into her own power after a period of transformation, she guides others to confidently walk through life’s challenges to come out on the other side fuller and more whole.

Guatemala Retreat Leader Lily Dueren holding her hands open to the sky

Meet Lily Love
Feminine Embodiment Guide & Wholistic LifeStyle Catalyst

From “shoulding” to soul sovereignty, Lily helps guide women back into alignment with their own natural rhythms, authentic expression and divine blueprints… a sacred landscape where their inherent gifts and satisfaction with life can flourish! Currently located in the heart of Guatemala, Lily lives deeply aligned with her own values, and tends these sacred gardens daily - Vitality, Connection & Contribution. Her simple yet wholistic teachings bring clarity, ease, and delight into those that she works with.

What is Wild Essence?

Listen in on a conversation between Lily and Victoria on discovering how to express your wild essence and integrate it into your daily life. Learn how unleashing your wild essence can transform and serve you!

Pre-trip prep

Embarking on such a transformative adventure in a country you may have never been to can be intimidating. We want you to feel comfortable, supported, and excited every step of the way, so we include pre-trip preparation support as part of our curated Guatemala women’s retreat experience. 

During a pre-trip connection call, Lily and Victoria will hold space to connect with each woman and lead the group through an intention setting ritual.

The magic of this experience starts weeks and months before you even get on the plane…The journey begins when you say YES!

We will give you guidance on how to prepare your body, mind and spirit for this magical adventure. You will also receive education on the plant medicine journeys you have the option of experiencing, as well as all the things you need to know about traveling to Guatemala, including what to pack and all the tips to bring more ease and delight into this once in a lifetime experience.

Personal Travel Items of an Attendee of the Women's Guatemala Retreat

The Wild Soul Awakening Guatemala Women's Retreat is an all-inclusive retreat experience.

All accommodations, transportation, food, and excursions are included.
Just book your flight to Guatemala City (GUA) and we’ll take care of the rest.
A few of the activities and excursions you’ll experience include…

  • Wild Essence Photoshoot

  • Day Visits to San Marcos & Santiago

  • Solo Nature Time

  • Gentle Breathwork

  • Restorative Yoga Nidra

Ancient Ruins of Mayan Temple which we will explore at the Guatemala Womens retreat
  • Women's Circles

  • Lake Swimming & Paddleboarding

  • Daily Earth Rituals

  • Ecstatic Dance

  • A Mayan Cacao Ceremony

Drawing of a Cacao Bean, native to Guatemala, part of the Guatemala Womens retreat experience
  • Herbal Nourishment + DIY Knowledge

  • Guided Mushroom Journey (optional)

  • Fun Boat Rides

  • Free Time, Shopping

    & Much More!

Let your soul run free among the wild natural beauty of Guatemala


This Retreat has been completely life-changing and transforming. It was magical and almost like a dream I didn't want to wake up from. Thank you for creating such an unforgettable experience.

Retreat Flow

Ocean water image deep turquoise Blue
Arco de Santa Catalina in Antigua one of the stops during the Guatemala Women's Retreat

While we are here on these lands, we will be working with the sacred Mayan Calendar called the Cholq’ij, which is a lens into the Mayan Cosmovision. The Cholq’ij is a system of measuring time and honoring natural cycles that is still practiced today.

Each day holds specific guardian energies, called Nahuales, that represent different aspects of nature and human consciousness. These energies will help guide our retreat experience…

As these archetypes guide and support us, you will also get to learn about your own Mayan astrology, uncovering more meaning and magic in your life along the way.

Day 1 | Arrive in Antigua

Meet your new sisters at the Guatemala City Airport (GUA) & drive together to Antigua. Enjoy a walking tour through the colorful colonial city.
Explore. Shop. Rest. Dine deliciously.
Enjoy an overnight stay in a boutique hotel while we get to know one another.

Day 2 | 1 E’ The Path, the Seed, UNITY

Journey to the Lake and settle in.
Opening Circle.
Group Dinner + Connection.

Day 3 | 2 Aj sacred structures, duality

Women’s Circle + Embodiment Practices.
Swim, Rest + Relax.
Enjoy the Retreat Home + Nature.

Day 4 | 3 IX inner work, jaguar,
nature altars

Local Cultural Experience.
Facilitated Cacao Ceremony & Plant Limpia.
Dinner Connection.

Day 5 | 4 Tz’ikin eagle, clear vision, balanced support

Slow Morning.
San Marcos Adventure… Nature Reserve & Spa Time.
Ecstatic Dance at Eagle’s Nest.

Day 6 | 5 Ajmak hard work + forgiveness, the bee

Morning Movement. Light Breakfast.
Breathwork Experience + Mushroom Medicine Journey.
Fire Ritual.

Day 7 | 6 No’j persevernce, sacred support, harvest

Nature Connection & Free Time.
The Wild Beauty Photoshoot.
Closing Ceremony

DAY 8 | Completion

Morning Exploration of Santiago.
Farewell to the Land.
Travel back to Antigua or Guatemala City.

*schedule is subject to change depending on weather and other factors.

Post-Retreat Support

You’ll return to your life feeling refreshed, reenergized, and ready to express more of your innate, wild-embodied wisdom, but reintegrating back into your daily life can be hard. It can be easy to fall back into old patterns.

We want the transformation you experience to have a long-lasting impact, which means helping you integrate what you’ve experienced into your “real” life.

After the retreat is over, we’ll schedule a post-trip reconnection circle providing an opportunity to reunite with the sisterhood we’ve all created, discuss challenges that may have come up after you returned home, and gain insights into how you can keep your spark alive as you are settling back into your re-inspired everyday life.

Lake-Front Retreat Home

Our beautiful retreat home offers incredible views of Lake Atitlan and nearby mountains. This magical property features landscaped gardens, private lake dock, and an outdoor cold and heated pool. The grounds offers ample space for outdoor exploration and relaxation. You will find everything you need at our private sanctuary including our on-site chef and the safety of an on-site caretaker and service staff.

Room Options

Private Room

Enjoy your privacy in a King Bed room with a private bath.

<Sold Out>

Shared Rooms

Book one of our shared rooms for the ultimate connection experience! Each room has a designated bathroom, with 3-4 women sharing each room.

Antigua & magical Lake Atitlan in Guatemala IS KNOWN as a vortex for deep healing, rejuvenation, and adventure

Our adventure begins in Antigua where you will find yourself surrounded by Spanish colonial architecture, handmade crafts, and colorful charm. A welcoming place that is not to be missed when visiting the country of Guatemala. Volcan de Fuego and Volcan de Agua are gorgeous sights to see in this enchanting town! It’s the perfect way to settle into Guatemala and prepare for the spiritual adventure ahead.

Then, we’ll make our way to Lake Atitlan, a wild and alive place of teal-colored waters surrounded by Mayan history and spiritual power. Regularly described as a vortex of energy that the Mayan culture has celebrated for centuries, it’s also a stunning natural location surrounded by volcanoes and culturally rich towns that we’ll get to explore together.

With its spiritual power and natural beauty, Guatemala is a life-changing, soul-enriching place to expand your consciousness, reclaim your vitality, and set your soul free.

RECONNECT to the core of
who you are,

reignite your spark,

& reCOMMIT TO the wild ESSENCE
within YOU

Modern society doesn’t leave much time for you to catch your breath. The demands of everyday life can dampen your connection to that unique spark that makes you, you. With work obligations, family stressors, and all the to-dos, tasks, and errands that living in the 21st century demands, it’s easy to give up on passion… on experiencing deep joy… on knowing you’re a powerful woman with wild wants, needs, and desires!


The fire in your soul CANNOT GO OUT.

Join us at the Wild Soul Awakening Guatemala women's retreat and experience deep inner reflection paired with a profound sense of outer support.
Through deep nourishment, loving sisterhood, and daily connection to the power of nature, you can get re-acquainted with
your wild essence and start experiencing the full spectrum of life with more clarity, ease and joy!

Life is too short to not Come fully alive


  • This is a small and intimate retreat of 8-9 plus Lily and Victoria. Perfect for a solo traveler who wants to cultivate new connections in a deep way. And it’s also perfect for friends, mother + daughter, or sisters that you want to share the magic of these memories with!

  • Going on a retreat gets you out of your routine so you can look in on your daily life from the outside. It supports getting to know yourself better, and it feeds your sense of adventure. You return home feeling refreshed and energized to tackle whatever comes your way as a fuller version of yourself.

    Going on a retreat is also a great way to make lifelong friends, it encourages you to get outside your comfort zone, and you’ll learn new things and have experiences that will last a lifetime.

  • All-natural herbal remedies will be customized for your unique needs throughout the trip. All herbal infusions and tinctures will come from a local apothecary called CASA Curativa. You can learn more about them here.

    We have a cacao ceremony and low-dose guided mushroom experience scheduled. All herbal remedies and experiences are optional. There’s absolutely no judgment if you choose not to participate for any reason.

  • The all-inclusive 8-day, 7-night Wild Soul Awakening retreat ranges from $2,900-$3,500, depending on the room you choose. Enjoy Early Bird rates until August 1st.

    That price includes transportation to and from the airport, transportation throughout the trip, accommodations, farm-to-table meals, and all excursions, activities, and workshops.

    You are only responsible for plane tickets to Guatemala City (GUA), any additional spa services, or additional nights in Guatemala.

    If you’re on a budget, consider traveling with a companion. We offer special pricing on a private king room if you sign up with a friend or sister!

    Learn more about pricing and accommodations here.

  • Yes! The full cost of the retreat can be divided into three smaller payments with the final payment due on October 19, 2024

  • You can cancel for any reason and receive a full refund up until September 1st. Any cancellations after September 1st cannot be refunded. We highly recommend purchasing travel insurance to help cover the costs of the trip should you need to cancel due to an emergency after September 1st.

  • We encourage you to stay for as long as you desire in beautiful Guatemala! The retreat begins on November 19th and ends on November 26th. Any additional time spent in Guatemala before or after the retreat is not included in the price of the retreat.

    Transportation after the retreat on the 26th will take you to either Antigua or Guatemala City. Although the hotel and meals will not be included, we would be happy to recommend hotels or hostels for your additional nights stay. If you would like to travel around Guatemala before or after, we can provide additional recommendations for that as well.

  • We schedule pre-trip virtual meetings ahead of the retreat so you can meet Lily and Victoria, connect with the women you will ae traveling with, and to ask any questions.

    You are also welcome to ask questions at any time!

    Please email Victoria at Victoria@InYours.Co or Lily at Lily@iamlilylove.com